I've put together my black and white wardrobe shopping spree wish list... check it out!

That necklace.... love. Seriously, I think I'll be buying on on the first of the year.
I had to buy some new storage containers today, as yet another shipment of supplies came in. This is a bigger job than I realized it would be, and I adore every second of it! This weekend's online sales really made me love the Etsy side of the business over the wholesale side. I just love hearing customer comments, interacting, all of it!
Oh, and for those who haven't heard yet... Retail Me Not is a FAB website! I saved 30% on my printer ink order AND received free shipping just because of the codes I found on that site.
Heck yeah - so much cheaper than driving out to buy it.
I'm shopping online more and more... my poor mailman! But I know that Etsy shop owners must love it, haha! I made 8 separate orders from Etsy last week alone. I just love getting the mail now - now it's not just dreading the bills. Some good, some necessary evil.